Thema der Seite: Erotikauktion
und Sexversteigerungen für Dates mit Hausfrauen & Paaren sowie Sexauktionen für Toys & private Sexkontakte

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Business-women relaxation - walk on air!

Discreet intimate services for ladies!

Auktionsnummer: 9474848
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Aktuelles Gebot169,00 EURStartpreis169,00 EUR
Menge1Gebote0   Gebotsübersicht
Verbleibende Zeit beendet
Start 22. Dez. 2024, 23:39 MEZ Frage zur Auktion
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Endet 31. Jan. 2025, 23:39 MEZ
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Auktionsbeschreibung (Text bitte aufteilen)

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Dear well-groomed, young sentient Lady, hello!

Thank you for visiting my profile & given proposals and I do much appreciate your interest
in my suggested discrete intimate services.

Please feel encouraged to call me and let me make you feel like a “spring chicken”,
and having fired your deepest imaginations!

I would be happy trying to follow your individual wishes, give those priority, once I’d be able to comply to .. ( kidding .. J)
.. and basically I am offering erotic intimate full body massages and more, if wanted.

The massages, of course on naked skin all over, I am doing with almost full body commitment, mainly acting with hands, arms and fingers, sometimes with strong grip (if convenient or requested) and usually also in a very sensitive, very stimulating fashion.

About me:

I am a young sentient mid-forties, 180 cm tall, pretty slim figure, short haired,
pretty cultivated, open mindset, .. your secret man with sensible empathy!

The massages being performed, of course, on your entirely naked body and follow tantric, yonic-lingam ideas, in any case will definitely be very deeply stimulating for you and may lead to deepest feelings up to a wonderful "grand final" .. or other intimate desires.
And (I am sure about that) once You, dear Lady, are happy to confide in me and in this what I wish giving you, once you allow yourselves to relax completely and let your hair down to receive your own intensiveness, you shall be receiving pure balm for your body & soul, rest-assured …!  

I shall be providing various high-quality massage oils (e.g. from Weleda, like Arnica, Calendula,
Citrus, Lavender, Rose-fragrance) and those oils are of course included in the agreed ‘escort’ fee
in case You may have any fragrance-/ ingredients-intolerances, please let me know which in advance,
so enable me consider and suggest you alternatives

If it comes to mutually agreed true intercourse, this should of course be with condom only.

Dear Lady,
Kindly consider a few preferred requests up-front:

Ø  Age:  You should, of course, have attained full age; ..
ideal you are younger than 49.5 years.
J   (except please see point 3).

Ø  Body weight:  The total figure of your age & weight should please not exceed ~ ‘110'.

Ø  For confidentiality reasons, please provide me a picture of you, that shows your full body and face
you can upload this picture/s in “My sexed” and set to be accessed only by me – once you may not know how it works,
please let me know in order to assist you
In case confidentiality may not be present, e.g. in case I may know you from “normal private or business life”
.. if necessary, I may reserve the right to withdraw readiness meeting up and hope this is ok with you.

Ø  Self-explanatory are ‘morals and decency’ as well as absolute discretion and hygiene!
I do of course provide all this in full and expect the same from you.

Should I, when we meet, may feel or see that this is not the case, I reserve the right to leave the place with
immediate effect that half of the agreed ‘escort’ fee becomes due for cash payment.  I trust this is fair.

I look very eagerly forward to meeting with you and spend a few erotic hours
with wonderful unforgettable impressions & moments for you!

The duration of the meeting should be minimum 1 ½ ~ 2 hours.

The meeting could take place in your house/ apartment (if that discreetly possible and will be undisturbed) or should take place in a neat min. 3-* or 4-* hotel, well attainable by car (with close car park). The cost of the hotel booking and the booking itself will be taken by you.

The location of the meeting/ hotel should be in the Greater Frankfurt area and
the travel expenses are included in the agreed ‘escort’ fee.
In other outer places, for example such as Mainz or Wiesbaden, we should need to explore a small fair surcharge as to cover extended travelling.  Trust this is ok.

After all given introduction & proposals above, You may still have any further questions that were not yet covered for your wide understanding, please do not hesitate to drop me your queries or suggestions.  Please do not have any inhibitions (!), if you wish to have a rounder picture, please do question everything!

Now, I very much hope the above could tease and encourage you to go for it and buy my adverted services.  I would be glad to hear from you anytime of the day, even late night!

Meet You soon J..!

Many thanks for your minded attention and warm greets,

Jorge J

Bilder von Feragudo6

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Thema der Seite: Lady, apartment, hotel, geext, gesext auktion , gesexd, gesxt , sexy-auktionen, erotik auktionen , erotikauktion ,

Finden Sie auch Auktionen in:

Frankfurt am Main | Offenbach | Bad Homburg vor der Höhe | Hanau | Rüsselsheim | Darmstadt | Wiesbaden | Mainz | Aschaffenburg | Wetzlar

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